Tuesday, May 28, 2024

HUGS - TMS #758

Happy Tuesday to you!  It's time for Tuesday Morning Sketches!  I'm thankful this was quick and easy to put together.  My husband and I have been down with a terrible flu (or possibly Covid) all weekend.  But I was able to get my simple card made...  I was kind of out of it... it took over 15 minutes to cut 4 rectangles and 3 hearts (I layered) and put them together! :P 

All the paper is from my scrap pile and the "hugs" die is a new one - as in had for awhile but never used.  It is Poppystamps Heart Hugs.  

Here's our sketch... and as you see with my card (and some others on the design team), a shape means any shape.  

Thanks for stopping by!  Be sure to go check out the creations from the TMS DT... 


We'd love to have you play along with us this week at Tuesday Morning Sketches!


Patti said...

That is such a cute heart Debbie-your card is beautiful I ALWAYS love shabby chic/vintage. We would never know you weren’t feeling your best. With that said I hope you get over the creepy crud that you are affected by and feeling your best again soon!

Donna W. said...

So sorry you were feeling unwell. Hope that passes quickly. Your card is so sweet. That pink and green are so pretty together.

Melissa Craig said...

Beautiful card, Debbie! It reminds me of a quilt - not sure why. But it really does!

lichazul said...

Lovely card, congrats 💐😊 happy day