Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Because I care - TMS #760

 Happy Tuesday to you!  It's time for Tuesday Morning Sketches!  This week, we have a simple but fun sketch...

My DP is Prima Epiphany and Romance Novel.  My sentiment is JustRite Chicken Soup Labels.  A few flowers from my stash finished it off.  

Here's the sketch...

Thanks for stopping by!  Be sure to go check out the creations from the TMS DT... 


We'd love to have you play along with us this week at Tuesday Morning Sketches!


Patti said...

Another beautiful vintage shabby chic card - love it! How appropriately named that Romance Novel paper is haha!

Debi said...

Nice vintage look to this pretty card. Hugs, Debi

Donna W. said...

Beautiful vintage card.

Melissa Craig said...

This is a lovely card! I love scripty backgrounds. I want to use real book pages someday, but I just can't bring myself to tear up a book! Your card is elegant. Beautiful job.